Juno Fiol

With both niche and mainstream interest, I'm attempting to find balance between marketable and fringe, fine art and applied, decorative and functional while employing both illustrative and printmaking technique to create a wide range of works. I find myself working with focus on ecology, both strictly natural and human influenced, human history, both esoteric and pop culture, and creature comforts through consumption. With my works, I hope to avoid being stuck in the box of marketability and editorial work, while still maintaining playfulness even through niche topics and more macabre work. I want people to be able to enjoy my work, whether they're indulging in an interest through traditional merchendise, such as t-shirts and prints, or seeking out the more niche, whether that be the subject matter or the mode of delivery. I want to be able to apply my works to all modes of enjoyment, whether it be indulgence in mass media or honing in on fringe interests.